Historic Reconstruction & Restoration

Successfully preserving the original look and feel of a historic building during reconstruction does not only require skill, but also a willingness to work closely and respectfully with the owner or property manager.

Go Pro Restoration & Maintenance has repeatedly restored numerous historic buildings following fire or flood damage with the goal of maintaining the integrity of the structure. We understand the importance of using building materials appropriate to the time period in which it was built, of maximizing the restoration and re-use of existing materials and of minimizing the need for complete replacement.

When reconstruction of a historic building is required, we use the following guidelines to ensure complete customer satisfaction:  


If reconstruction of all or a portion of a historic building is required, we use appropriate documentation and other evidence to ensure accuracy. We strive to preserve historic materials, features and spatial relationships during a reconstruction job.  

Our goal is to re-create the appearance of the historic property in materials, design, color and texture. We do not incorporate any designs that were not used originally and only reconstruct those sections or areas that are essential to the original look and feel of the structure. If reconstruction is required in a historic location, we take appropriate steps to make sure the historical artifacts or features on the grounds are not negatively impacted. We clearly identify any reconstruction as a contemporary re-creation of the historic structure or property.